When a person wonders if he is a true child of God, I often point him to John’s first letter because it lists many ways you can KNOW that you love God, that you know God, and that God knows you!
I have been recently impressed with what John’s gospel has to say about the marks of a true disciple. I’ll give you a quick list of some I’ve noticed. I’m sure there are many more.
- Receives Christ (1.12)
- Follows Christ (1.43)
- Is Born Again of the Holy Spirit (3.3, 5-8)
- Believes and Obeys (3.36)
- Worships in Spirit and in Truth (4.23)
- Believes the Father (5.24, 38)
- Beholds and Believes in Jesus (6.29, 40)
- Hears and Learns from the Father (6.45)
- Continues in Jesus’ Word (8.31)
- Hears the Words of God (8.47)
- Knows the Shepherd (10.14, 27)
- Keeps His Commandments (14.15-24)
- Abides in Christ and Bears Fruit (15.1-8)
- Loves His Brethren (15.12)
Notice this is not a list of things you must do to prove you are a disciple nor of things you must do to achieve discipleship. No, these are these are the marks of a disciple. If you are a true disciple, you should see this fruit in yourself.
Notice, also, this is not a list for you to hold up to others to determine whether or not they are true disciples. John wrote this letter so that we may know how we stand with the Lord–it’s intensely personal.
What strikes you as you look over that list? Do you see any common themes? Are you a true disciple?